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(the best way to open titles is to open them up in a new tab)

*** Inspired to grow by God's forgiveness

*** Inspired to grow by God's grace

*** Inspired to grow by our new identity

*** Inspired to grow by the power of God's love

*** The importance of grace, part 1 (study in Galatians)

*** The importance of grace, part 2 (study in Galatians)

*** The importance of grace, part 3 (study in Galatians)

*** The importance of grace, part 4 (study in Galatians)

*** The importance of grace, part 5 (study in Galatians)

*** The importance of grace, part 6 (study in Galatians)

*** The importance of grace, part 7 (study in Galatians)

*** The importance of grace, part 8 (study in Galatians)

*** The importance of grace, part 9 (study in Galatians)

*** What is walking in the Spirit? (study in Galatians)

*** The importance of grace, part 10 (study in Galatians)

*** The importance of grace, part 11 (study in Galatians)

*** Taking your stand, part 1

*** Taking your stand, part 2

*** Taking your stand, part 3

*** Taking a firm stand by renewing your mind

*** Seeing the truth about God's forgiveness

*** Lessons from the parable of the Prodigal Son

*** Differences between law and grace, part 1

*** Differences between law and grace, part 2

*** Understanding the real you, part 1

*** Understanding the real you, part 2

*** Understanding the real you, part 3

*** Understanding the new birth experience, part 1

*** Understanding the new birth experience, part 2

*** Understanding the new birth experience, part 3

*** Understanding the new birth experience, part 4

*** The importance of knowing your identity, part 1

*** The importance of knowing your identity, part 2

*** The importance of knowing your identity, part 3

*** The importance of knowing your identity, part 4

*** Inspired to grow by knowing our new identity, part 1

*** Inspired to grow by knowing our new identity, part 2

*** Holding fast the pattern of sound words, part 1

*** Holding fast the pattern of sound words, part 2

*** Debunking religious conspiracies, part 1

*** Debunking religious conspiracies, part 2

*** Debunking religious conspiracies, part 3

*** Debunking religious conspiracies, part 4

*** Debunking religious conspiracies, part 5

*** Debunking religious conspiracies, part 6

*** Knowing the "gospel" truth, part 1

*** Knowing the "gospel" truth, part 2

*** Knowing the "gospel" truth, part 3

*** Knowing the "gospel" truth, part 4

*** Why people don't get the grace message

*** Having a renewed mind, part 1

*** Having a renewed mind, part 2

*** Having a renewed mind, part 3

*** Having a renewed mind, part 4

*** Factors in renewing our minds, part 1

*** Factors in renewing our minds, part 2

*** The simplicity of walking in the Spirit

*** Church: what is appropriate behavior, part 1

*** Church: what is appropriate behavior, part 2

*** Clearing up Covenant confusion

*** Having a grace-understanding of God's discipline

*** Understanding the power of "It is finished"

*** Understanding that we are in a New Covenant

*** Why Christians lack New Covenant confidence

*** How to understand the Bible, part 1

*** How to understand the Bible, part 2

*** How to understand the Bible, part 3

*** How to understand the Bible, part 4

*** Identifying religious cache, part 1

*** Identifying religious cache, part 2

*** Knowing the truth about inspiration

*** Inspirations for spiritual growth

*** Roadblocks to growing in grace, part 1

*** Roadblocks to growing in grace, part 2

*** Living by grace, part 1

*** Great reasons for the resurrection

*** Living by grace, part 2

*** Learning the art of doing nothing

*** Grace 101, part A

*** Grace 101, part B

*** Where sin abounded...

*** ... grace abounded much more

*** The simplicity of renewing our minds

*** Mind renewal 101 (Rom 12:1-2)

*** Grace is the key for mind renewal (2 Cor 3:18 and 2 Cor 10:3-5)

*** Religious traps

*** Exposing religious fables, part 1

*** Exposing religious fables, part 2

*** The art of living by grace-Col 3

*** Appropriate Christian behavior

*** What is true God-worship?

*** Discerning the truth from religious error, pt1

*** Discerning the truth from religious error, pt2

*** Understanding that our sins are entirely forgiven

*** The complete change of the new birth

*** Religion's dangerous traps

*** New Covenant realities, part 1

*** New Covenant realities, part 2

*** The colossal effect of grace in our lives: Col 1:1-10

*** The colossal effect of grace in our lives: Col 1:11-23

*** The colossal effect of grace in our lives: Col 1:24-2:7

*** The colossal effect of grace in our lives: Col 2:8-17

*** The colossal effect of grace in our lives: Col 2:18-23

*** The colossal effect of grace in our lives: Col 3:1-4:18

*** How to walk worthy of your calling.

*** Renewing the spirit of your mind from Eph 4.

*** 3 significant grace instructions

*** Having the grace advantage

*** Grace and godly behavior, part 1

*** Grace and godly behavior, part 2

*** Grace and godly behavior, part 3

*** The 5 contrasts from Romans 8 (v.1-17)

*** The revealing of the sons of God (8:18-30)

*** The revelation of God's everlasting love (8:31-39)

*** Weapons of mass delusion

*** Knowing the truth by testing the spirits

*** Discerning both good and evil by seeing the excellent

*** The gospel of grace

*** Developing the momentum of grace

*** More on the momentum of grace

*** Eternal gifts God has given to us in Christ

*** The simplicity of walking in the Spirit

*** Seeing things from a grace perspective

*** The newness we have in Christ

*** Questions for maturity in Christ

*** More grace-related questions

*** Jesus revolution: that was then, this is now

*** The gospel rundown

*** The gospel that Paul preached

*** A closer look at the new birth


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